Words by Me
Eating disorder recovery symptoms: What to expect
When we think about the mental and physical symptoms of eating disorders, the list is lengthy. But fewer people know or talk about the symptoms of eating disorder recovery.
Eating disorders in athletes: The hidden paradox of health
Athletes face a host of scenarios that might lead to body dysmorphia, disorder, and dysfunction.
The link between food insecurity and eating disorders
How do eating disorders permeate into worlds where food isn’t always as readily available?
How to create an eating disorder relapse prevention plan
Why you need a relapse prevention plan, what to include, and how to ensure you’re prepared for the holiday season and beyond.
Why eating disorders go unnoticed and undiagnosed
Why is there such a substantial gap between the prevalence of eating disorders and the attempted treatment of them?
What the media gets wrong about eating disorders
This camera is complex, complicated, and hard to understand unless you have experience with it. So are eating disorders.
When did food become the enemy? Humans’ complicated relationship with food
Food is meant to be pleasurable, nourishing, and energizing, but diet culture has taught many of us otherwise. How did this happen?
Orthorexia nervosa: An eating disorder in disguise
Is there really such a thing as being too healthy? A conversation with Jason Wood.
The holiday season from ‘the other side’ of eating disorder recovery
I’m living proof that you can get to the other side. And it’s magical.