Words by Me
Why eating disorders go unnoticed and undiagnosed
Why is there such a substantial gap between the prevalence of eating disorders and the attempted treatment of them?
Social media and eating disorders: The research, the correlation, and what we can do about it
How we can develop a healthy relationship with our devices.
What the media gets wrong about eating disorders
This camera is complex, complicated, and hard to understand unless you have experience with it. So are eating disorders.
When did food become the enemy? Humans’ complicated relationship with food
Food is meant to be pleasurable, nourishing, and energizing, but diet culture has taught many of us otherwise. How did this happen?
Eating disorders and menopause: The hormonal connection
How the changes women experience during perimenopause and menopause can precipitate disordered eating behaviors.
Why it’s so hard to get eating disorder treatment
Why so many eating disorders go undetected and, therefore, untreated.
Life at my lowest weight: Physical and mental effects of eating disorders
What did reaching my lowest weight get me? In short, nothing good.
4 examples of diets that don’t work
The parallels between recent history’s diets and eating disorders.
Supermarket anxiety in eating disorder recovery
Supermarket anxiety: What it is and how to overcome it.