Words by Me
The importance of discomfort in eating disorder recovery
How practicing this skill has been the most powerful tool in my recovery.
Fatphobia: Origins, applications, and unlearnings
On exploring body bias and reframing what it means to be fat.
Eating disorders and relationships
How to communicate with someone you think may struggle with disordered eating.
How to spot diet dialogue (and what to say instead)
How to know when what we say to others (or ourselves) has gone from harmless to dangerous.
Eating disorders and perfectionism
Where does perfectionism come from? How can we navigate it in a healthy way?
4 ways to support someone with an eating disorder
What should I say? What should I NOT say? Where do I start?
5 things no one tells you about eating disorders
Despite the nomenclature, eating disorders have very little to do with eating.
Babies: The nascence of intuitive eating
Is it possible to re-learn intuitive eating behaviors from our childhood?
Dieting: A slippery slope to disordered eating
‘The dirty little secret about the diet industry is that many diets will fail.’